Data Structure and Algorithms (Fall 2016)
04-10-2016 Week 01: Introduction
06-10-2016 Week 01: Abstract Datatype
11-10-2016 Week 02: Linked List
18-10-2016 Week 03: Recursion
27-10-2016 Week 04: Stack and Queue
08-11-2016 Week 06: Introduction to Sorting
15-11-2016 Week 07: Quick Sort
22-11-2016 Week 08: Revision
29-11-2016 Week 09 Midterm Exam
06-12-2016 Week: 10-11: Binary Search Tree
20-12-2016 Week 12: Priority Queue
27-12-2016 Week 13: Winter Holidays
03-01-2017 Week 14-15: Elementary Graph Algorithms
17-01-2017 Week 16: Practicing Problems using Data structures and Algorithms
03-11-2016 Assignment 01: Practicing Basic Data Structures and Algorithms (Problem 01 Input File Problem 02 Input File)
Deadline 9:00am 8th November, 2016
17-11-2016 Assignment 02: Algorithm Design and Analysis in Action
Deadline 9:00am 23rd November, 2016
23-12-2016 Assignment 03: Search Engine Using Binary Search Tree (Input Files)
Deadline 10pm 3rd January, 2017
Instructor: Waheed Iqbal; PhD Faculty Offices; Email: waheed.iqbal at
Office Hours: Friday 9:00-10:30
Lectures: BSCS-Morning (Tuesday and Thursday 11:30-1:00, Room# 04) BSC-Afternoon (Tuesday and Thursday 11:30-1:00 Room# 04)
Textbooks: -Sedgewick and Wayne, Algorithms , 4th Edition.
- Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (CLRS), Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition.