Data Structures and Algorithms (Spring-2014)
11-03-2014 Week01: Introduction
13-03-2014 Week01: Abstract Data Types
18-03-2014 Week02: Linked List (linked_list.cpp)
25-03-2014 Week 03: Stack and Queue (Stack Example.cpp)
07-04-2014 Week05: Revision
14-04-2014 Week06: Introduction to STL and Map Data Structure (STL Map Example.cpp)
22-04-2014 Week 07: Hash Tables
29-04-2014 Week 08: Recursion
05-05-2014 Week 09: Midterm Exam
12-05-2014 Week 10: Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort
19-05-2014 Week 11: Binary Search Tree
26-05-2014 Week 12: Breadth First Search and Depth First Search
02-06-2014 Week 13: Priority Queue using Heap
09-06-2014 Week 14: Shortest Path (Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford) (Updated!)
16-06-2014 Week 15: Data Compression (Huffman)
23-06-2014 Week 16: Revision
Instructor: Waheed Iqbal; Faculty Office Ground Floor; Email: waheed.iqbal at
Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00-3:30 and 5:00-6:30
Lectures: BIT4-Morning (Tuesday and Thursday 9:45-11:10, Room# 04) BIT4-Afternoon (Tuesday and Thursday 4:00-5:30 Room# 02)
Textbooks: -Sedgewick and Wayne, Algorithms , 4th Edition. -Adam Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ , 2nd Edition.