Cloud Computing and Big Data (Spring 2020)
10-03-2014 Week01: Introduction to Cloud Computing
17-03-2014 Week02: Introduction to Big Data
27-03-2014 Week03: Virtualization
31-03-2014 Week04: Scalable Web Applications in Cloud
07-04-2014 Week05: Computer Networking - A Primer
09-04-2014 Week05: Datacenter Networking
14-04-2014 Week06: MapReduce
21-04-2014 Week07: Mobile Cloud Computing
28-04-2014 Week08: Performance Measurement of Cloud-hosted Applications
30-05-2014 Week08: Introduction to NoSQL
06-05-2014 Week 09: Revision
13-05-2014 Week 10: Midterm
19-05-2014 Week 11: Distributed Hash Table
26-05-2014 Week 12: Internet of Things
02-06-2014 Week 13: Introduction to Data Mining
04-06-2014 Week 13: Web Application Deployment Models
09-06-2014 Week 14: Student Presentations
16-06-2014 Week 15: Student Presentations
23-06-2014 Week 16: Security Issues in Cloud Computing
30-06-2014 Week 17: Revision and Thesis Topics
Project Deliverables
Deliverable 01: Know your project (Report Submission Template)
Deliverable 02: Main use case of the application (Report Submission Template)
Deliverable 03: Performance analysis of the application on EC2 (Report Submission Template)
Deliverable 04: NoSQL implementation and tier separation (Report Submission Template)
Deliverable 05: Auto Scaling Web Server Tier (Report Submission Template)
Presentation Schedule
Research Papers
Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems:
SPORC: Group Collaboration using Untrusted Cloud Resources (OSDI 2010)
Finding a Needle in Haystack: Facebook's Photo Storage (OSDI, 2010)
Making Geo-Replicated Systems Fast as Possible, Consistent when Necessary (OSDI 2012)
SILT: A Memory-Efficient, High-Performance Key-Value Store (SOSP 2011)
CryptDB: Protecting Confidentiality with Encrypted Query Processing (SOSP 2011)
Hails: Protecting Data Privacy in Untrusted Web Applications (OSDI 2012)
Resilient Distributed Datasets: A fault-tolerant abstraction for in-memory cluster computing (NSDI 2012)
DryadLINQ: A System for General-Purpose Distributed Data-Parallel Computing Using a High-Level Language (OSDI 2008)
Scalable Progressive Analytics on Big Data in the Cloud (VLDB 2014)
When the Network Crumbles: An Empirical Study of Cloud Network Failures and their Impact on Services (SoCC 13)
Scale-up vs Scale-out for Hadoop: Time to rethink? (SoCC 13)
An analysis of Facebook photo caching (SOSP 2013)
Diglossia: Detecting Code Injection Attacks with Precision and Efficiency (ACM CCS2013)
Tolerating Business Failures in Hosted Applications (SoCC 2013)
Consistency-based service level agreements for cloud storage (SOSP 2013)
Speedy transactions in multicore in-memory databases (SOSP 2013)
Virtual Network Diagnosis as a Service (SoCC 2013)
Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database (OSDI 2012)
Cloud-enabled wireless body area networks for pervasive healthcare
BCube: A High Performance, Server-centric Network Architecture for Modular Data Centers
Deadline-Aware Datacenter TCP (D2TCP)
A survey on TCP Incast in data center network
Data Center TCP (DCTCP)
On Mitigating TCP Incast in Data Center Networks
Improving Datacenter Performance and Robustness with Multipath TCP
PortLand: A Scalable Fault-Tolerant Layer 2 Data Center Network Fabric
VL2: A Scalable and Flexible Data Center Network