Analysis of Algorithm (Spring 2017)
01-03-2017 Week 01: Introduction
06-03-2017 Week 02: Sorting
13-03-2017 Week 03: Growth Function
20-03-2017 Week 04-05: Divide and Conquer
03-04-2017 Week 06: Quick Sort
05-04-2017 Week 06: Data Structures
10-04-2017 Week 07: Heap Sort
17-04-2017 Week 08: Midterm
24-04-2017 Week 09: Sorting in Linear Time
03-05-2017 Week 10-11: Dynamic Programming
Week 12: Greedy Algorithm
Week 13: Huffman Codes
Week 14: Elementary Graph Algorithms
Week 15: Minimum Spanning Tree
Coming Soon!
Instructor: Waheed Iqbal; Ph.D Faculty Offices; Email: waheed.iqbal (at)
Lectures: BSE-Afternoon:Monday and Wednesday 1:00-2:30, Room# 2
Textbooks: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, Introduction to Algorithms , 3rd Edition, MIT Press
This course include materials from the following courses available at coursera:
Algorithms Part 1 by Kevin Wayne and Robert Sedgewick, Princeton University
Algorithms: Design and Analysis by Tim Roughgarden, Stanford University